Thursday 30 May 2013

Love handle Growth Prevention

Spring is here, Summer is around the corner, and as a exhausted, over busy mother, it's easier to eat something that comes in a packet (eg. Crisps or biscuits) than cook a nutritious meal.

Tips to stay AWAY from the biscuit tin:-

1. Don't be unrealistic. Looking at pictures of Victoria's Secret models is only going to make you more depressed about your post baby body. NOBODY looks like that, even before a baby. Don't beat yourself up.
Instead.... Print off some old holiday snaps of YOURSELF, in a bikini and make that your goal. Stick these pictures on the biscuit tin and ok the inside of your "treat" cupboard door.

2. Buy already prepared carrot batons and a delicious low fat dip/ hummus. You can one handedly feed baby, feed yourself and dip at the same time... MAGIC! Also use whole meal toasted pitta, celery etc...

3. Berries are a good snack to have in the fridge. You can guilt freely shovel them in.

4. A small hand of salted cashews are better than crisps. They have loads of fat so a SMALL hand full. To test the fat. Light the cashew like a candle. It will burn for ages.

5. Precooked chicken breasts. If your starving. And are looking for the crisp packet.

ALWAYS THINK.... Summer is coming,!

DON'T STARVE YOURSELF. You will end up "skinny-fat" which is the WORST body shape. (When you appear skinny but have a very high body fat percentage and little muscle)

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Baby hairs after Pregnancy

Almost 7 months after birth and I still feel completely bald. Hooray!!! Boiled egg head.

After extensive research, I have learnt that normally, you should shed 70-100 strands of hair per day. During pregnancy, you retain all of these hairs which gives "a luxurious, luscious full head of hair". My hair personally stayed firmly in a scruffy bun, scraped back to prevent... 1. An even sweatier back 2. I couldn't be bothered to style it 3. I proffered to use my time choosing which cake I wanted to stuff in my face.
So, after birth (or breastfeeding if you choose to) all these retained hairs fall out, and because your head hasn't generated more hair your left with an attractive alopecia-esque hairstyle that's more Golum than Giselle.

However, not is all lost or so you might think. All those lost hairs start to grow back! Which you might think is a good thing, but in actual fact... Your left with a head full of baby hairs.

Here are some styles to help while these hairs are growing back.

Alexa Cheung: Soft pony tail with braid embracing baby hairs

Scruffy bun, a personal favourite.
Another effortless bun from Mandy Moore.

Kim Kardashian shows off her baby hairs.

THIS IS NEVER OK..... DO NOT DO THIS!!!! People will should "Laquisha" at you, even is your name is Jane.

If all else fails.... you could always put a bag over your head.

Tuesday 26 March 2013



End of March in London. Its minus Moscow outside and battling with ice cold winds walking 30 minutes each way to the gym, putting an already sick baby in a creche full of children with the same cold is less than appealing.

Here is a quick ab and leg workout that you can do at home, with your baby.
(My baby Harrison is around 10-12kg).

Sit on sofa/ floor at 45 degree angle- prop yourself up with cushions.

Put baby on his stomach on your shins. You may hold onto your babies hands for support, i chose not to as my legs are strong.

Lift your legs to a 90degree angle, baby parallel to the floor.

Slowly extend your legs, balancing baby on your shins.


Then bring your legs back up. to a 90 degree angle. Repeat 3 sets of 10.

YOUR BABY WILL LOVE THIS!! It will be like your babies very own funfair, your legs will be toned and you can bond with your baby!

Repeat this as many times as you like throughout the day. Make sure you avoid after meal times...



Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Mummy Home workout

A sick child, combined with the sub zero British weather conditions generally equates to being house bound, no gym and a whole lot of convenience food.

A poorly baby can have you up all night and in the house all day, resulting in an empty fridge, a tired mummy and the only exercise you do, is with your thumb to order a take away delivery. Or if you are more up to date, ordering online.

For some of us it is almost impossible to get to the gym. Home work out DVDs might be the answer.

I had a terrible experience with the "Step Up- the Workout" DVD that I was asked to review. It was so terrible that I don't do it and was somewhat put off by the idea of home work out.

A grief of mine gave me Roxy's yoga DVD. It was surprisingly challenging and also strenuous. Nothing like a workout. But better than nothing.

Actually, scrap this whole post. Home DVDs are nothing compared to actual exercise. You would be better off doing burpees, sit-ups and planks, ad push-ups at home.

Monday 25 February 2013

Mummy Footwear

Before becoming a mummy.... My preferred daily footwear were designer skyscraper high heels. My feet were scantily clad in Louboutin's, Choo's, Prada and Gucci.... However, the reality is, now your a mother, how can you still look fabulous without being one of those Ugg boot/ track suit sort of people?

Practicality is a must, and you definitely do not want to be toppling over whilst lovingly lifting your baby from the pram.

DO NOT DARE WEAR KITTEN HEELS OR CROCS! Both a heinous crime, both incredibly disgusting. There is absolutely NO NEED to offend yourself as well as many members of the public by committing such an abomination to society.


Get a good pair of flat, leather knee high boots. They thin the thighs and dress up an outfit, immediately making you look less of a slob.

Get a good pair of fresh converse:- a clean pair can make your outfit still look stylish.

I prefer a dirty old pair of converse to make an outfit more casual.

A couple of pairs of flat pumps and you can stride down the street... With a good posture, without falling to your death with your baby AND burn calories at the same time.

I push my pram everywhere, instead of avoiding roads with hills, take them.


Try and walk everywhere, it's exercise for you... You save money on petrol, which leaves more money for shoes. Winning all round. As for when it rains, you walk faster, so essentially, your bottom gets toned more quickly.

Sunday 24 February 2013

The truth about breast feeding

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beautiful things you can do with your child.

My first thoughts about breast feeding, was that afterward my boobs would essentially look like empty oven mitts, but after slowly reducing breastfeeding and exercise they have returned to their pre- small 14 year old boy pre-pregnancy state. I guess it works under the same concept if you loose a tank of weight too quickly, you will have enough skin to make a few leather handbags.

Breastfeeding is the lazy girls way of night feeds. I used to just drag Harrison into my bed, latch him in, whilst laying on my side and go back to sleep leaving him feeding while I lighten the bags saving buckets of YSL Touch éclat daily!

I know all these persistent and almost bullying health visitors try and force you to breastfeed, blah blah blah-but it's really lovely and brings a closeness with you and your child. I fed until 4 months, before I switched to bottles and slowly started weaning and miss it dearly.

The truths....
So, the first week- it's terribly painful. Absolutely dreadful! Your nipples will probably crack, bleed, scab over and look like Halloween and when you feed each time, the pain makes your teeth grit and your toes curl. It's basically feels like someone is trying to cut them off with a razor blade.

I used silicon nipple shields and the disposable breast pads- both were awful. You might as well, have stuck 2 sanitary towels into your bra, scrunch them up and stuck your nipples to them with superglue. As for the breast shields- they were also pretty disgusting, like sticking a condom in your babies mouth.
I recently came across some natural products which are wondrous and natural and actually work. Not like all those crap things you buy on JML, like a hat that turns into a tshirt, but if only I had known.

Natural Norway breast shells, which are actual shells. At a glance you might think they are for people who mainly consume a diet of hemp, but they actually heal your Halloween nipples in around 2 days. I know people who have used these and they swear by them.

As for the boob sanitary towels, using Merino wool breast pads not only feels amazing, but is much more beneficial. They are pure luxury for your boobs, work so much better, and save the embarrassment of walking down the street with a big wet patch on your t-shir, where your own personal milking parlour has leaked.

If you want these things to save your life you can get them online at:-

Thursday 21 February 2013

Post pregnancy healthy eating

"Nothing tastes as good as Skinny feels"
-Kate Moss

Let me tell you something. She is a LIAR.
Having the time to prepare healthy meals is time consuming and seems like a larger mission than pulling one of the hairs out of the queens silvery head...

For a period of time after birth, I literally ate takeout 4 times per week and one day it needed to change. I still eat take out at least once per week but my other meals are pretty clean.

Here are a few example meals..... I still eat takeaway, and crisps and sweets but the majority of the time... I eat quick healthy meals- that take less than 10 minutes to cook and prepare...